Our Brands:

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A new era in base construction is underway with UltraBaseSystems. From synthetic turf to concrete pavers, installation has never been this easy and affordable. Engineered to minimize traditional stone base work, UltraBaseSystems provides the loadbearing structure, storm water management, safety and performance demanded by every athlete and homeowner.

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Ultra Court Systems ™

Build your new court without concrete or asphalt or transform an old court with minimal time and repairs. Our revolutionary panel design provides both the structural base and the playing surface in an All-in-One solution.

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Tour Links ®

With over 2 million sq ft of Tour Links panels sold Since 2001 Tour Links has solidified the position as the premier putting green system in the world. Thousands of golfers and industry professionals have come to rely on Tour Links for all their putting green requirements.

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Ultra Base MAX ™

Ultra Base MAX is the perfect fusion of performance and safety. Engineered with the patented UltraBaseSystems® rigid structural shell for performance, fused with a state-of-the-art automotive grade shock absorbing membrane for safety, Ultra Base MAX delivers what athletes demand.

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Ultra Floor Systems ™

Ultra Floor Systems provides all the strength and versatility you demand in a floor system whenever you need it. From dog kennels to dance floors, trade shows to shed floors, Ultra Floor Systems delivers!


Ready to start building smarter? Call us now for a free product consultation: 1-866-921-7888 or send us an email at: sales@ultrabasesystems.com